Ages 7 – 14 years

A six course combination program that can be completed in 3 to 6 years. Introducing children to the world of ICT, building strong logical thinking and critical thinking. We use the powerful MIT developed coding tool Scratch along with its variations, improvised tools and step ups.
• Introduction to computers
• Basic programming
• Computer game design

▪︎ Scratch plus Introduction to Java Scratch and Blockly are mostly a drag and drop language that converts to text based programs language in realtime.

▪︎ Snap plus Introduction to HTML, CSS and JavaScript Snap is a modification of Scratch by Berkley which compliments Scratch with additional content. Basic and Introductory concepts of computer programming such strings, variables, loops etc.

▪︎ Blockly plus Introduction to Python

▪︎ App Inventor plus Introduction to Android

▪︎ Stencyl plus Introduction

▪︎ Game Foot plus Introduction to Flutter and create the Pokedex App and learn all about Pokemon.

Ages 15 – 19 years

An eight course combination program that can be completed in 2 to 4 years. Learning of high level languages and Choice to specialize in:
• Software Support
• IT Support
• Programming Support

We provide an intensive computer science training program to yield profound student knowledge and skills.
• O level Computer Science
• A level Computer Science

Contact us to know more about our ICT Courses!

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